General Health & Safety Policy
The management of RFA-Tech Ltd is committed to achieving the ultimate goal of ZERO ACCIDENTS.
The ultimate aim of Zero Accidents will be achieved through the adoption of three guiding principles: -
- That all accidents and occupational illness can and will be prevented.
- That health & safety performance is a preeminent management responsibility, and management must provide firm leadership in this area, to generate a positive safety culture.
- That everyone who works for the company, or does work on its behalf has a personal responsibility for their own safety and the safety of their work colleagues.
To support the overall aim of ZERO ACCIDENTS the company has implemented a safety management system that complies with the requirements of BS OHSAS 18001, to ensure that health and safety responsibilities are addressed in a systematic manner. The safety management system covers the following key aspects: -
- Provides a framework for setting objectives and monitoring performance against those objectives.
- Defines the duties and responsibilities of all employees with the ultimate responsibility for health and safety resting with the Managing Director.
- Provides a system for identifying, assessing, minimising and reviewing all health & safety risks at all points within the business operations.
- Provides a framework for continually reducing the risk of harm to employees and others affected by the actions of the company, by adopting best practices and providing the necessary resources.
- Provides a mechanism for ensuring that all legislative requirements and company policies are addressed in a systematic manner.
- Provides a system for ensuring that all employees are competent to undertake their specified tasks, through the provision of information, instruction, training and adequate supervision.
- Provides a framework for establishing and maintaining a safe working environment.
All employees are required to comply with the requirements of this policy and its supporting systems, and are also encouraged to raise health and safety issues with management. The policy is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that it is still suitable and sufficient for the activities of the company.
This policy is communicated to all employees and is available to other interested parties either directly or via the company website.
Malcolm Tomkins
Managing Director, April 2019